5-4-3-21 ACA Full Time Equivalent Count report
The 5-4-3-21 ACA Full Time Equivalent report ACA Full Time Equivalent report shows the number of full-time (FT) employees and full-time equivalent (FTE) employees per month.
Use this report to determine whether your company is required to report ACA information as a large employer.
Tip: Print the ACA Full Time Equivalent Count report on a monthly basis to check for any discrepancies that you need to reconcile.
Hours attributable to the previous year
Note: The first payroll of a new year may include ACA hours attributable to the previous year. When you run the 5-4-3-21 ACA Hours Allocation report for an archive company, you can use the Combine Company for ACA Hours Allocation window to combine the report results with the hours entered in the active company. The ACA report will then include payroll records entered for the previous year in the active company's new year.